Dr. Balamuth trained with Drs. Stephen Mitchell and Emmanuel Ghent who were some of the founding members of the Relational Track at the Post Doctoral Program. His psychoanalytic
theoretical home is in the intersubjective-relational-interpersonal orientation to clinical psychoanalysis. He integrates this, more current approach, with his earlier training within the classical Freudian/Kleinian tradition.
In his psychoanalytic work, Dr. Balamuth is guided by the belief that in a truly healing relationship, patient and analyst co-participate and contribute to the discovery of new meanings and possibilities. The close attention to the unfolding of a healing relationship that is based on mutual trust and respect and a shared willingness to open up, explore and recognize hidden and challenging aspects of oneself, are the basis of his psychoanalytic work. He regards the psychoanalytic relationship as having a remarkable potential to restore creativity and open up new possibilities for clients who wish to commit to this profound exploration and discovery.